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Important notes: Our one and only PerfectMoney account is U1015387. Any transfer of funds to other PM account would not be entertained.Hi all,Recently we have got scammed by scammers that is using spoof mail from [email protected] and [email protected] (less one "m") to scam our client Agnesco and Instaforex. They are using the Liberty reserve account: U8996593 and PefectMoney account: U1281055Please be aware of this issue and never send any advertising dollar to any LR account other than U3127325 which is our real Libertyreserve account. You can always check here for the most updated one:http://www.dreamteammoney.com/index.php?au...o=show&id=1Dreamteammoney will not be responsible for any money sent to the wrong LR account and please do not trust any email that looks like it is coming from DTM because scammers are trying to spoof our mail.Thank you for your kind attention.Regards,John Raven* Please always refer to this page: http://www.dreamteammoney.com/banner_advertising We update our payment gateway regularly there and that's the only payment gateway you should send your advertising money to us should you want to advertise with DTM.Latest scam attempt reported by one of our client octafx:This post has been edited by Celine: Jul 15 2015, 06:53 PM
this is a very serious issue and i hope program admin could take extra care here.
That is why it is always good to pay directly from here:http://www.dreamteammoney.com/index.php?au...o=show&id=1Never trust any emails or support ticket that looks like it is coming from DTM.Be safe than sorry
Ehrm how did they get the [email protected] email?
That's the reason that direct deposit is a always best way then to trap in scam.
hello all how are you ?
can you stop them???
We are trying our best to get the words out.Our one and only LR account is U3127325 and we do not accept AP.Do not trust any email that looks like it is coming from us.
thanks for report about this issue before because some scammer are also tried to do this with some hyip admin to advertise on DTM.
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