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Purchases or Repurchases Made Mature Days Earning Rate
From SignUp
01st day to 20th day 20 days 200% ROI
21th day to 45th day 25 days 180% ROI
46th day to 75th day 30 days 160% ROI
76th day and on - 30/35 days 140% ROI
Positions will cycle at 10% daily for 10 days. The remaining percentage will be cycled on the mature date.
Example: If you have positions with 20 mature days and a 200% mature rate, your positions will cycle at 10% ($0.50) daily for 10 days. On the 20th day, your positions will be cycled and earn the remaining 100% commission.
Question: How does the Twentyby20 pay plan work?
Answers: Twentyby20 pay plan offers the same earning plan to everyone regardless of when you started. The pay plan is designed to offer both great earnings and program longevity.
No sponsoring is required to earn. We offer a generous 2 level referral commission. You earn 5% direct referral commission for each member that you refered. You also earn 3% indrect referral commission from the referrals of your direct referrals.
This post has been edited by davileonardo: Mar 26 2014, 10:41 PM