Hey Guys!
My names Tom Gough and im the CEO of Tcmxchange, a internet advertising and marketing company specialising in making money from the internet!.
Now EVERYBODY wants to make money online daily and not alot of people no how too!
Now for the last 2 months ive been using the platform My Advertising Pays (MAPS) for short, to make me cold hard CASH! day in day out 24/7!
Now if your not familiar with MAPs its an advertising website that allows us to make money every 20minutes in a day! now the way we do that is by buying CREDIT PACKS essentially advertising packs which cost 50$ now for every pack we buy it intitles us to a share in profits for that day, we only have to click 10 ads per day to activate our ad packs to generate us a profit share,
so ill use a little example, 20 packs would entitle us too 20 shares a day, 100 would be 100 shares,500, 500 shares per day! now at this moment in time each share is making me around 75c-$1 per day but can generally be more as we are paid by the company profits! now each pack expires after its earns us 60$ but the key is when you make $50 you buy another pack and will get you another share now lets say you've looked at the bigger picture!
Now lets say you have looked at the bigger picture and you have 100 packs, you make on average 75-100$ per day due to your shares in a day,
that would be enough profit to buy around 1-2 packs per day now youd be on 102 packs, so after a week you'd probably have about 10-14 packs extra leaving you on 110-114 packs after that week then averaging you 114 dollars per day after day 7.
so hopefully your understanding this now! MAPS isnt a here one day gone the next sort of platform!
theres so many SUSTAINABLE factors to keep this going for years and years to come but ill go on about them in the next paragraph!
Now maps lets you refer people to your team now every single time one of your team buys a pack you make 10% so if one of your referrals signs up with 20 packs that would make you 100$ flat!
now thats exciting but whats even better is that every single time they buy another pack with profits that they've made ect you make another 10% of the ammount of packs so lets say started of with 20 packs after 2 and a half days time they buy another youd make $5, now really your not gunna have 1 refferal hopefully lets say you have 10, now lets say those 10 bought 20 packs now those 2 and half days in they all bought 1 pack you make another 50$ to which you can either withdraw or buy another pack with its up to you!!
Its that crazy My advertising pays has gone from 2,000,000+ in the most visited websites in the world to 8000 in 3 short months THATS HUGE!!! check alexa rankings if your skeptical its all their in black and white!
Why maps is sustainable!
1. you can only have 1200 credit packs no more! which keeps maps sustainable!
2. you can only earn 5000$ per referal after they have made u that maps makes the rest which also keeping it sustainable by putting money back into the platform!
3. MAPS only pays you with profits! NO back up bank account all profits!
4. You only make money of your referrals not your refferee's referrals so you only make money of your sign ups so no pyramid scheme here!
5. every pack is Guarenteed to make you 60$ in return!
Now if your interested in making money online join us at TCMXchange! we have all the tips to grow your team and gain leads and refferals!
we have Training videos on how to get started and 24/7 support from me to help you make money everyday!
youll be in my team and i will help you its my JOB! even though i work from home, prettty cushty really haha
i personally have 25 referrals at this moment in time but in my first week with a start up of 18 packs and no refferals i made 180$ and got myself 3 extra packs! which is huge in its own right!
theirs people buying 10 packs, 100 packs, 300, its everybodys own personal preferences how ever if you want to make money day in day out get involved! believe me this will change your life!
My personal collegue has 1200 packs with 1400 referrals! the guys making on average 3000$ PER DAY!!
so guys if you want to sign up with my team! click the link below and sign up for a FREE 30 day trial and no payment needed what so ever its completely FREE!!
and if you want to ask me any questions what so ever, from how much im making or too how to get started! ANYTHING i dont mind message me on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TCMXchange
to get started with MAPS click the link below!
enter your email and name ect in the capture page so i can contact you with help ect and email you with webinar dates and times ect.
After that it will redirect you to the MAPS homepage alls you need to do is just sign up and message me on facebook when you want to get started and ill help you all the way!
Anyway guys happy mappin people! and take care!
Kind Regards,
Tom Gough
CEO of TCMXchange.