If you don�t promote your blog, how will anyone know about your great content? Driving traffic to your blog is about as essential to your blogging success as your writing itself.
Take the opportunity to cross promote your blog on Twitter. Tweeting about your blog can be an incredible way to reach out and connect with your consumer. With over 500 million users, you can find lots of new readers through tweeting too.
If you use Twitter well, it can drive tons of traffic back to your blog. But simply tweeting the title of your blog post with a link back to your site will not work.
You need to be pro-active. You need to be creative. You need to use great marketing when you are tweeting about your blog posts.
Here are 12 simple, actionable tweet formulas to market your blog. Try these out to drive more traffic to your site.
1. Use Short, Provocative Tweets
2. Include an Intriguing Quote from Post
3. Include Statistics
4. Use #Hashtags
5. Use @mentions
6. Retweet Mentioned Blog Content
7. Ask for a Retweet (or RT)
8. Use Visually Appealing Images
9. Ask a Question Related to Your Topic
10. Tweet about Your Blog-Hosted Contest
11. Promote Your Tweets
12. Include a Blog Link in Your Bio