When you start researching for online earning, the first thing you might encounter is Paid to Click (PTC) websites. Here, all you are required to do is to click few advertisement, and in turn you will earn money. Easy, isn�t it? Yes, it is easy. But, if you want to earn money online � AVOID PTC WEBSITES.
First, majority of the PTC websites are scams. Just go through some of the experiences, and you will came to know about it. There are still few websites which will never scam you, but the earning is quite low. You will be required to click up to 10 advertisement, and they will give you up to 0.5 Cents (if they offer you more, they will scam you). You can also get some referrals, which will help you to earn more. However, you are required to click advertisements daily to stand a chance.
Now, take a look on advertisements. All of them eat lots of bandwidth. If you will audit one month earning, you can find that there is ZERO earning from a LEGIT PTC website. Whatever you will earn will not suffice to pay elec tricity bills and bandwidth charge used to click those advertisements.
This is my first rule to make money online. Avoid PTC websites.