Hi Administer of Fastpaymoney,
My name is Willie Lasso and username of my Fastpaymoney is "Investor$$$14".
And today Friday 30th of May i have started to make my first $20 investment in the
"Small plan" using my Egopay balance.
My main concern is, how come can�t I see reflect my $20 deposit recently made into my
"your deposits" nor in my "Deposits history" area???
I have recently sent out 2 messages through "[email protected]" for an administer
to help me resolve this issue of mine soonest as posible telling me what�s going on, right now
Iam just waiting for one of the amdinisters to get to my issue.
As soon as I have done with my deposit maded through my Egopay balance I haven�t immediately sawn
reflect my deposit confirmation made in my "Your deposits" nor in my "Deposits history" area, I really
have felt frustrated about this of what happened.
I will apreciate so much if an administer gets to my issue and help resolve this investing problem
soonest posible.
Thank you�ll very much
This post has been edited by Investor$$$14: May 30 2014, 11:32 PM