I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don’t know the admin!

Started: Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amount is $0.5 for fiat, $15 for Bitcoin and Ethereum and $5 for other crypto)
Ref-offer 6% - 3% - 1%
Technical details (information from ISP and HyipLogs resources):
- Domain: NameCheap, Inc, 2021-06-19 - 2022-06-19 (registered for 1 year)
- SSL: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA valid from 21 Jun, 2021 to 22 Jun, 2022 - Sectigo Limited
- Hosting: Ddos - Guard Corp
- IP-address: (Belize / Belize City) IP used in 5 projects / 1 payings
- Script: GoldCoders Licensed
- Simillar text HYIPs: 0
- Simillar design HYIPs: 0
Ultra Block LTD is a new investment company offering to receive a stable profit every hour. And although the company itself was created quite recently, our team has experienced employees who are able to manage funds and earn enough money for our investors and further development of the project.With us you can profitably place your capital, receive a stable passive income and gather a team of like-minded partners. All investors have equal rights, and only the profit is distributed according to the service plan and its terms. Choose the right one and join a group of successful businessmen.
Accepts: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Perfect Money, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Tron (TRX)
Perfect Money:- U32514749 (uBlock) -
United Kingdom - Verified - 18.05.2021 - 0 point(s)
Investment plans:- $10 - $999: 0.25% hourly forever
- $1000 - $4999: 0.34% hourly forever
- $5000 - $100000: 0.42% hourly forever
Registered company profile: https://find-and-update.company-information...ompany/13466170Company Address: https://goo.gl/maps/qT8gH2twvUQGNraw5Telegram: https://t.me/ublock_officialTelegram: https://t.me/ublock_admin
410.00 USD: The amount of 410.00 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U17225312->U32514749. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to ublock.io User InstantMonitorCom.. Date: 10:41 30.06.21. Batch: 402572223.
Insurance for investors: $250
Insurance details and rulesThis topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!