I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don’t know the admin!

Started: Sunday, 26 June 2022
Payouts: Instant
Ref-offer 6% - 2% - 1% - 0.5%
Technical details (information from ISP and H-Metrics (HyipLogs) resources):
- Domain: NameCheap, Inc., 2022-06-25 - 2023-06-25 (registered for 1 year)
- SSL: Free SSL valid from 26 Jun, 2022 to 24 Sep, 2022 - Let's Encrypt
- Hosting: Ddos - Guard Llc
- IP-address: (live sites on IP: 1)
- Script: BlitzScript License
- Similar text HYIPs: 0
- Similar design HYIPs: 0
Find the crypto data you need – whether you’re looking to trade on a new exchange, invest in a fresh currency, or take a view on the big picture in global markets. Cryptocurrencies allows anyone to participate and contribute and be rewarded accordingly. We invest in DeFi companies, cryptocurrencies and projects because we believe that the future of finance is decentralized, open-source, community-owned, blockchain-based solutions for everyone.
Accepts: Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin, Perfect Money, Dogecoin, Dash, USDT TRC-20, Binance Coin (BNB)
Investment plans:- $10 - $100000: 4.5% hourly for 24 hours (deposit included)
- $10 - $100000: 119% - 2750% after 1 - 12 days
Telegram: https://t.me/rockie_chatTelegram: https://t.me/supp_rockie
This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!